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Transformation Intensive

A private intensive for couples on the brink of separation.

black couple sitting away from each other

Your relationship needs help, and it needs to happen fast. 


You’re worried that your relationship has sustained damage beyond repair, and you don’t know what to do next.


Whether one or both of you feels hopeless after infidelity or another betrayal such as ongoing conflict or deceit — the trust is gone, and all those unresolved issues have built up a wall.


You’ve lost connection with each other, and you feel like you’re living parallel lives — it’s as if you’re roommates who hardly speak to each other co-existing under the same roof.

Maybe you’ve been wondering if you’re better off living apart. All you know is you can’t keep living this pain each day — something’s got to give.


If your traumatic history is getting in the way of your relationship, you may benefit from an EMDR Trauma Clearing Intensive or Retreat. more info here


The blame, criticism, constant fighting, or being ignored — it’s exhausting, and it’s affecting every area of your life. It’s impossible to focus at work because your thoughts seem to race in circles around a negative loop over and over.


This feels like your last-ditch effort — you’ve got to get help to make this work.

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Imagine, feeling emotionally connected...
like you and your partner are a team again. 

Sitting down to dinner feels relaxing now. You’re having calm and rational conversations over dinner with your partner and feeling seen, heard, and understood. 


You’re able to navigate your way around disagreements and tricky conversations quickly. Arguments may happen, sure, but conflicts get fast resolutions now.


You’re so grateful you took the time to focus on your relationship because now, you feel so much more connected and intimate again. 


You and your partner have one another’s back, and it feels stable and secure. 


And more than just your partnership is feeling better — you can think clearly again. Life, work, friendships, family — it all seems to be falling into place. 


You like the person you’re becoming, and you finally feel like yourself again. 


You can find your way back to peace, love, and stability. I’m excited to show you how to get there.

The Relationship Transformation Intensive is a significant intervention, focused guidance and support to break through old patterns, reconnect, and rebuild positive communication. 

Forest Trail

Hi, I'm Deanne

I’m a trauma therapist and an intuitive relationship coach who works with couples who feel stuck, lost, or hopeless in their relationships. 


They want to feel closer, more support, and love.


I teach them how to do the inner work to experience connection, trust and security in their relationship so they can thrive together.

Deanne Carter, lady smiling with blonde hair

The Transformation Intensive is for you if: 

  • You’re in a marriage or partnership and feeling like you’ve been compromising for far too long

  • You know you love each other deep down and aren’t sure if being together is healthy anymore 

  • Feel stale, like there’s nothing left to give — no passion and no energy

  • BOTH of you are ready to show up and do the work to rebuild and strengthen your partnership

  • You’ve tried other relationship fixes but nothing seems to last. You need personalized, high-impact direction, support, and strategies.​

    • Not for domestic violence, substance abuse, undisclosed affairs, or the presence of suicidality.

Fixing your relationship is your top priority. 

With the Transformation Intensive, you both will:

  • Get to know yourself on a more intimate level, stop negative thoughts, and feel more whole

  • Learn how to communicate with each other to truly listen and feel seen and heard

  • Get practical tools to help you resolve conflicts quickly and easily

  • Start making positive changes immediately 

  • Feel the healing ripple effect of a deeply fulfilling relationship — more joy, fun, connection, personal satisfaction, and better health

couple with each other at beach

How it works:

First, you’ll each complete an assessment typically two weeks before your Transformation Intensive. Your answers will give me a clear picture of where you are in your relationship. Based on your responses, I'll walk you through some specific exercises and you will receive some specific homework to provide you with a head start. Investment: $850

During the half-day Assessment, we (you, your partner, and I) will plan the schedule for your Transformation Intensive. 


Day 1: Monday - 5-6 hours

Day 2: Tuesday - 4-5 hours

Day 3: Wednesday - 3-4 hours

Day 4: Thursday - 3 Hours

Day 5: Friday - 3 hours 


We can adjust the schedule: for example, we can meet one or two days per week over 30 days. 

The Transformation Intensive includes:

A Transformation Intensive Designed for You:

We’ll create a healing experience that works best for you. Based on where you and your partner are emotionally and mentally, we’ll discuss your 5-day intensive schedule.

90-Minute Follow-Up:

Within two weeks of your last session, we’ll get on a 90-minute call to discuss what’s been working well and troubleshoot any issues that popped up.

30 days of support:

Starting on the first day of your transformative experience, you’ll have access to me over email or phone to discuss strategies or issues that pop up. You’ll get one email exchange per week or up to 30 minutes on a call.

Finally! You’ll feel deeply seen and loved, and like you’re finally developing the deep connection you’ve been craving.

mixed couple holding each other and smiling


In-person: $5200 per couple

Virtual: $5000 per couple


Payment plan available: 


Deposit of $2700 deposit to set your intensive dates. Then $1250 is due 2 weeks prior, and the remaining balance due 1 week prior to Day 1.


What clients are saying after 30 hours

 "I feel like our relationship has transformed in just a short few months. I honestly didn't think we could get here as fast as we did. We are able to resolve issues with much less conflict and more compassion and understanding instead. I also think we are both more independent but at the same time more connected. I feel like we have a better understanding of each other and a curiosity around issues that come up, but are much less likely to take things personally or take responsibility for the other person's feelings."    

Ready for your Relationship Transformation Intensive?

Fantastic! I’m excited to show you the way. 


Click here and book your free 15-minute free consult. We’ll discuss your goals and decide if the Transformation Intensive is a good fit for your situation.


If all three of us (you, your partner, and I) decide that a Transformation Intensive is for you, we’ll schedule your Assessment, and you’ll get an email detailing what you’ll do in advance.  Currently, these are typically completed virtually. If we’re meeting in person, you’ll get details on time, location, and food when we schedule. 


Starting with the Assessment, each day's activities and assignments will be designed based on your needs.  When we’re finished, we’ll book your 90-minute follow-up session (this is included in your investment) and we'll discuss any future sessions. 

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